India Or Bharat (What is there in name?)

Do we really need to change the name India? [Click Here for bengali language]

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The name India is given to us which is an English name. This shows the dominance. Everywhere you will get to know that people after becoming slaves are forced to change their names. Their identities are lost in the new names which are meaningless. 

The first thing a ruler does is to give meaningless names to his subjects after occupying the land. When they take over a nation, they start changing the name to such meaningless names. In the same way India means nothing which the British people gave. Having a meaningful name gives us the identity of having tradition, culture etc. They wanted to break the idea of our nation so that we start fighting with each other forgetting the oneness we have.  When we stay together with passion we are unconquerable. This is the first reason, why the Britishers changed the name Bharat to India.

It is the oldest nation on this planet. What people think is a nation today is the border the Nations have. People are making Nations based on language, religion, race, ideology but essentially it is the sameness which makes a nation. But as we have known this nation for over 8 to 10 thousands years as Bharatvarsh, we have never defined ourselves with sameness. If you go 50 kilometres people look different, wear different clothes, speak different languages, having different cultures and many more.

Now the question is, what makes this nation one? How people are staying peacefully? What does bind all of them together?

We need to go much deeper to understand. It is about nationhood. It is about the love for the country. That's why people see Bharat as a mother. As people love their mother, they love their motherland too. Being different and having difference in so many things they are still together. 

When we call this nation bharat or hindusthan it doesn't represent a particular community or group or the people belong to a certain religion. It is the geographical information of the land from the Himalayas to the Indu Sarovar. 

Now the name Bharata is believed to be derived from one of the great kings of the past who was Bharata. But actually there were many people having the same name. So they are named after this country not the country after them. It is our pride to have such name which binds us together for so many years. 

So we should rename it so that it reverberates in everybody's mind and heart. The sound Bharat has that power. The name cannot do the things alone. But most of the people in India don't know English or cannot speak English properly. When we speak something without knowing the meaning that becomes abstract in our minds. So it is important to have a meaningful name. That is why we need to change the name. 

What do you think??
