Is it possible to fight corona? You must see

Is it possible to fight corona?

Today I will introduce the best drink for boosting immunity, only which can help you fight corona or any kind of viral influenza diseases: For video Click Here

We all are going through the pandemic situation. Corona is taking lives of only those who are with weak immune system. So the best way to boost or increase this immune system is to drink the the Ayurvedic Drink (also called kadha/ amrita).

  • Tulsi leaves/ Basil leaves 👉🏻5-6 pcs
  • Elaichi / Cardamom 👉🏻4-5 pcs
  • Dalchini / Cinnamon 👉🏻2 small pieces
  • Peppermint / Golki 👉🏻 7-8 pcs
  • Mouri / Fennel 👉🏻 one tip
  • Tej patta/ Bay leaves 👉🏻2pcs
  • Ginger 👉🏻1-2 small pieces
  • Honey 👉🏻 as per your need ( best 1 teaspoon for 1 glass)

Now take all the ingredients except honey to a bowl and crush well to make it look like powder. After that take one glass of water and boil it well. Put the powder to it and wait until the colour of the water becomes red. Boil for another couple of minutes and the red colour will turn into brown and the water portion will also decrease to 1/4th.

Now the Ayurvedic Drink is ready to serve. Take one/two teaspoons honey 🍯. Try to drink once a week to get the best result. 

N.B.- Apart from this, do regular excercise, pranayam. Drink water more (3-4 litres minimum). Eat healthy food, more vegetables and fruits. Avoid oily food and more over wake up early. If you can follow these then you don't ever need to see a doctor or think about your health.

If you have any queries then you can ask me.
