Is social media making our life complicated?

Is social media making our life complicated?

It depends on the person who is using. It was meant to make our life more easy but now-a-days it is difficult to find it the same. Having thousands of friends we still find no one to share your feelings. So, life has become more complicated. People are becoming more aggressive, we are losing our humanity. May we start using social media wisely or in near future we will only have anxieties, loneliness.......

Like everything around us has some pros and cons, as so social media too has. Now social media is a part of our daily routine.

Though it is making our life simple in many ways like, people now have great access to almost everything with the help of Social media, making friends is now easy, even we can find a partner too it's like we can connect to people almost all around the world nowadays through social media.

But, among all this, somewhere, I think that our real life is being influenced a lot because of social media, nowadays we have no true friends in real life but tones of friends on social media. People do everything just to post it on social media (everything has became a show off), people don't enjoy the moment, they don't enjoy gatherings because they are busy with their virtual world and that is social media.

So at last I Would like to say that social media is like a blessing but if used wisely!
